Special wire

Our range of products also includes packaging wire and section wire, which are available in different supply forms und designs.

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Plastic spools

Spool type D [mm] d [mm] d1 [mm] Lw [mm] Lg/La [mm] Content [kg]
K 125 125 80 16 100 125 1.2
K 160 160 100 22 128 160 2.5
K 200/125 200 125 22 160 200 5.0
K 200/70 200 70 22 153 157 7.0
K 250/100/22 250 100 22 150 190 10.0
K 355 355 224 36 160 200 15.0-18.0
K 500 500 315 127 180 250 30.0*
S 100 100 38 16.5 39 45 0.5
S 200 200 105 51.5 45 55 2.0
D 250/130/18 250 150 18 70 80 4.0
D 250/150/52 250 150 51.5 70 80 4.0
D 250/130/52 250 130 51.5 93 103 7.0
D 280 280 150 18 70 80 6.0
S 300 300 212 51.5 91 103 6.0
R 370 370 310 305 80 89 5.0
R 390 392 310 305 80 89 7.0
K 135 135 56 15 43 49 0.8
KA 135 135 56 53 43 49 0.8
K 150 150 56 18 43 49 1.1
K 150-2 150 56 18 93 100 2.0
GM 560 560 280 127 300 350 80.0
VMV 560 560 315 127 300 400 70.0
VM 710 710 400 128 440 510 200.0

* = for layered spooling 40.0 kg

Metal spools

Spool type D [mm] d [mm] d1 [mm] Lw [mm] Lg/La [mm] Content [kg]
GL 200 200 82 80 170 200 6.0
GL 240 240 103 100 170 210 10.0
GL 560 560 250 123 360 400/430 120.0
GL 630 630 355 123 400 450/480 150.0
E 760 760 430 40 250 300 140.0


D = flange diameter
d = core diameter
d1= drill hole
Lw= winding width
Lg = total spool width
La = spool mounting width
All dimensions are typical values