
Here you will find an overview of all the materials we use. In addition, we are also available to you as a development partner for individual alloys.

Please feel free to contact us – we look forward to exchanging ideas with you.

Brand name Numeric identifier Chemical designation Approvals
DE50 S Al 1098 * S Al99,98 TÜV
DE51 S Al 1080 A * S Al99,8(A) TÜV, DB
DE53 S Al 1450 * S Al99,5 Ti TÜV, DB
DE71 S Al 2319 * S AlCu6MnZrTi -
DE54 S Al 3103 S AlMn1 -
DE68 S Al 4018 S AlSi7Mg TÜV, DB
DE33 S Al 4020 S AlSi3Mn1 TÜV, DB
DE59 S Al 4043 A S AlSi5(A) TÜV, DB
DE61 S Al 4046 S AlSi10Mg -
DE60 S Al 4047 A S AlSi12(A) TÜV, DB
DE57 S Al 5249 * S AlMg2Mn0,8Zr TÜV, DB
DE65 S Al 5554 S AlMg2,7Mn TÜV, DB
DE56 S Al 5754 S AlMg3 TÜV, DB
DE58 S Al 5356 S AlMg5Cr(A) TÜV, DB
DE70 S Al 5556 A S AlMg5Mn1(A) -
DE63 S Al 5183 S AlMg4,5Mn0,7(A) TÜV, DB, BWB
DE64 S Al 5087 S AlMg4,5MnZr(A) TÜV, DB, BWB
Hartlot S Al 112 S B-Al88Si-575/585 -

* Material on request